






The ground breaking women's health podcast with true crime vibes, educating women on the real dangers of breast implants and what they can do if they believe they are suffering from Breast Implant Illness. Join us as we uncover sinister plots, money driven schemes, and hear from experts on how to dig in, do the work, truly heal, and tackle
our biggest fears along the way.


Episode 10 Coming Soon - New Episodes are released every other Friday!

I mentioned in the last episode that detoxing both pre and post-explant is a super hot topic and one that unfortunately has a LOT of different opinions circulating which can make it confusing and overwhelming to know what’s true. Which is exactly why I promised last week that I would be diving into the infamous topic of detoxing and that is exactly what we are going to do right now so buckle up my beautiful butter cup because this shits gunna have nuts in it! No really nuts are super good for you so they're def... Keep Reading

Man do I have an enormous amount of information to cover with you. There is some wild stuff happening right now with the FDA and breast implant manufactures trying to keep the truth hidden, there are new cancer warnings being “required” but not actually being shared, there are horror stories left and right about surgeons specifically one in Texas who is claiming to be a breast implant illness and explant expert but is doing a massive about of damage both physically and emotionally and charging an arm and a leg for... Keep Reading

Episode 7 holds a special place in my heart because I take a little detour from our regular programming to share a deeply personal and unexpected turn of events. This episode delves into the reasons behind the extended gap between episodes, offering insights into the highs and lows of my role as a Breast Implant Illness Advocate, including the challenges I faced while speaking at TEDx. These experiences led me down a path of unexpected depression and frustration, that I, in no way, was prepared for and... Keep Reading

Doctors know best, blood work tells all, and breast implants, well those things are definitely safe.

Believing those three things can keep you sick and running in circles for literal decades, at least it did for me.

​Now don’t get me wrong, we need doctors and there are good ones. But if those doctors don’t know the right questions to ask or what it is they need to be looking for, even the best doctors, with the best intentions, will miss massive red flags and the reality is, our doctors are not being educated about breast implant illness so... Keep Reading

In a recent interview I was asked "What percentage of women with breast implants experience Breast Implant Illness?" and though this might be a super unpopular opinion, this is what I said…

"80% of women with breast implants report experiencing one or more serious side effects but I would argue that the other 20% just don't know what to look for."

Depending on your implant's specific ingredients and your immune system's specific responses you may be experiencing 1 or 101 different symptoms and you need to know about all of them so you... Keep Reading

Are breast implants dangerous? Do breast implants make you sick? Can breast implants really cause cancer? These are some of the first questions I was asking when I started looking into Breast Implant Illness the first time. Up until this point in the podcast, we’ve covered a lot about what studies were NOT done and what safety steps were NOT taken so I want to switch gears in this episode a little bit and share with you what research DID find. Because as jaw-dropping as the history behind how we got here is, the... Keep Reading

K so in the last episode we ended on the fact that a dog walking around with a breast implant prototype for two weeks was all it took for these doctors to say yep, we can put these inside women. It’ll be fine. But how? Right?!

How in the world could the FDA approve a product with such little research and such high risk?

Explant Secret number two, they didn’t
... Keep Reading

Blood work, normal.

Thyroid tests, kidney tests, and numerous meetings with specialists also yielded no answers.

On paper I looked fine, healthy even.

And yet, daily I was experiencing sever chronic fatigue, debilitating migraines,
neck, chest & shoulder pain, breast pain and burning, abdominal pain and cramping, back pain... Keep Reading

Imagine a chilling reality, where those we’ve been taught to trust with our very lives become the architects of our darkest nightmares. A sinister string of doctors conspire to profit billions, and do, by simply convincing women we are not good enough and that surrendering to their scalpel and allowing them to place bags of poison inside our bodies is the only way to change that. Then when the poison kicks in and our health declines, all they have to do is tell us getting sick is our fault... Keep Reading


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Explant Secrets Healing Book Bundle!
Get the Expanded Edition of Explant Secrets the Book, The BRAND NEW Audio Book, the Explant Rebel Cook Book, AND several FREE Bonuses including 5+ hours of video training from top expert made just for you!
Explant Rebel Cook(e) Book
Grab your copy of the Explant Rebel Cook Book and gain access to more than 100+ Pages of Breast Implant Illness healing-specific recipes now!
Explant Secrets The Book
The BRAND NEW updated and expanded edition of my best selling e-book Explant Secrets, The Toxic Truth about Breast Implants And What You Can Do About It.

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