Women have always suffered from a lack of understanding when it comes to medical care and the reality is, the information circling out there often is miss guided, miss leading, and seriously outdated. So with the help of medical experts and world-class surgeons who not only believe in BII but are doing their part to change the way it’s addressed we will nail down exactly what damage your breast implants have done and what it is you need to heal.
Since Breast Implant Illness impacts so many of us differently there is not one definitive test to prove your breast implants are causing your symptoms however, there are tests you can take and things you can do to ensure you are on the right track which is why we will go over the list of options you have for self diagnosis. Then we will start on Pre-Explant detox protocols to get you some symptom relief.
And since one of the biggest things to tackle during phase one is your emotions, with the help of world class experts we will take a close look at the real fears you might face when considering implant removal and what that means for you. We will discuss the pros and cons for scheduling explant surgery and how to discuss your decision with family and friends.
To kick off phase two we are going to do a deep dive into what it means to have your breast implants removed the RIGHT way! Then we will go over all the things you need to know in order to find a surgeon who is actually qualified to perform an explant surgery when you're ready, and then we will nail down the best surgeon for you!
There is a LOT more too preparing for explant surgery than you might think. From making sure your body is physically capable of a quick recovery, to pre-surgery diet changes to reduce inflammation and swelling. Not to mentioned the emotional roller coaster you might jump on when you decide you really are removing those bad boys... So we are going to
cover it all!
We are going to go over all the crucial pieces that need to come together post explant surgery to ensure you have the best possible chance at healing. Such as what tests is your surgeon requesting be performed on your tissue or implants, why many people say don't detox for at least four weeks post surgery (and why I disagree fully) and what detox protocols are in your best interest.
(Spoiler Alert: it's not some super expensive supplement system.)
You've got this sis... I know how scaring admitting your breast implants are the problem can be, and trust me, after getting my own health back and helping more than 1,000 other women navigate their own breast implant illness and explant journeys, I know that the fact that you've read this far takes an enormous amount of courage. Whatever you are feeling right now IS THE PERFECT THING TO FEEL! It's okay to be scared you'll hate your body. I promise the version of you that loves your post-explant body is in there, and we can find her together.
I know all to well how lonely this journey can feel sometimes so throughout this program you will find personal messages from me rooting you, you'll have opportunities to join me for LIVE Q&A and since you're now an official #explantrebel you'll join our incredible community of empowered women to lean into for love and support as we take on your first 12-months post explant healing together!
I'm a wife... A mom... An entrepreneur... Oh and my breast implants tried to kill me!
After countless meetings with specialists that yielded no answers
and more than a year of my health declining so rapidly I was afraid I wouldn’t get to be there to raise my son… I’d had enough.
So I took my health into my own hands and logged more than
400 hours of my own research and on August 17th 2022 I had my
breast implants removed through total capsulectomy and my health immediately got better. Just one short year later after detoxing emotionally and physically, more than 40 symptoms I now contribute directly to my breast implants are gone and my mission couldn’t be more clear.
MY MISSION: Help as many women as possible who are suffering
from Breast Implant Illness like I did, find an effective (and affordable) path for safely removing and detoxing from these deadly devices.
It’s way past time for us as women to realign our standards of beauty with what is healthy and with REAL bodies! So wether your in the beginning stages of this journey and still feel unclear if Breast Implant Illness is even what’s happening to you or if you’ve already explanted and are looking for the best next steps, I am here for you. You are not alone in this.
You can heal.
You've got this sis, and I've got you!
If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with the Explant Unleashed Revive and Thrive BII recovery course, I will refund your money IN FULL!
So, what are you waiting for?!
This is completely risk-free...
If you think there might be the slightest chance that this program will help you have the very best explant experience possible and actually help you heal from Breast Implant Illness, click the button below and I give you my word, I will give you every once of love and support I have as we get started on your journey back to health together!
You've got this, and I've got you!
Sending so much love,
XXO - Cheyenne
For questions about the Explant Unleashed program or enquiring about having Cheyenne speak at your event please email info@explantsecrets.com for a quick response.